Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Article 1: Definitions
In these terms and conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Accommodation: the total or part of buildings, with all accessories, inventory and co-rented items.
Entrepreneur: the company that makes the accommodation available.
Contractor: the person who concludes the agreement with the entrepreneur on his own behalf or on behalf of a group.
Group: the whole of individuals who have the right to stay in the accommodation under the agreement.
House rules: rules regarding the use of and stay in the accommodation

Article 2: Content of the agreement
The entrepreneur makes the agreed accommodation available for the agreed purposes for the agreed period.

Article 3: Soundness and safety
The entrepreneur guarantees the soundness and safety of the accommodation made available, unless he can invoke force majeure.

Article 4: Price
The agreed price includes the costs of water and electricity, bed linen, towels, hand soap, toilet paper, dishwasher blocks, final cleaning and VAT, unless otherwise announced in advance. Additional guests will be charged to the contractor in accordance with the guest list. No refund will be made for fewer guests than specified on the guest list.

Article 5: Payment and cancellation
The contractor pays 50% of the booking amount due including one-off administration costs immediately upon booking. The contractor has the option to cancel with 100% refund within 14 days of receipt of the booking confirmation. The administration costs are non-refundable. The remaining booking amount must be paid no later than 4 weeks before the day of arrival. For this, the entrepreneur will send the contractor an invoice 6 weeks before the day of arrival. If payment is not made (even after the entrepreneur has contacted the contractor), the entrepreneur will cancel the booking 2 weeks before the day of arrival without the possibility of refunding the amount previously paid. For cancellations within 2 weeks before the day of arrival, no refund is possible.

Article 6: Cancellation
The contractor is authorized to cancel the agreement in writing. This must be sent to
In the event of cancellation, the contracting party owes the entrepreneur the following compensation:
● in case of cancellation within 14 days of receipt of the booking confirmation: full refund except for the administration costs;
● in case of cancellation in the period from 14 days after receipt of the booking confirmation to 2 weeks before the day of arrival (according to the contract), the obligation to pay the final amount (50% of the total booking amount) lapses;
● in case of cancellation within 2 weeks before the day of arrival (according to the contract), no refund is possible.

Article 7: House rules
The contracting party and the group members are obliged to comply with the house rules set by the entrepreneur and the general local regulations.
The contracting party must inform the group members of the applicable house rules and the general local regulations.
Pets are not allowed.
Smoking is also not allowed inside the accommodation.
Open fires are not allowed inside the accommodation.
The contractor agrees to allow the entrepreneur and/or his staff into the accommodation, the terrace and other areas for:
● all service-oriented activities.
● resolving all technical malfunctions.
● reporting, for example, dangerous situations, (noise) nuisance, or failure to comply with the house rules or in a timely manner, careless use of the accommodation or its inventory and when damage is deliberately or unconsciously caused to the property of the entrepreneur.

Article 8: Liability
The entrepreneur is not liable for theft, accidents or damage on, around and in his accommodation due to unskilled actions of the contractor or his group members and/or guests.
The contractor is liable to the entrepreneur for damage caused by the actions or (failure to) act of himself and/or the group members, insofar as it concerns damage that can be attributed to the contractor or the group members.

Artikel 9: Vorübergehende Kündigung durch den Unternehmer und Aufschub bei Nichterfüllung
Wenn der Auftragnehmer und/oder eines der Gruppenmitglieder die Verpflichtungen aus dem Vertrag, den Bedingungen, der Hausordnung oder den Vorschriften der zuständigen Behörde nicht oder nicht ordnungsgemäß erfüllt, und zwar in einem Ausmaß, das den Maßstäben der Angemessenheit und Gerechtigkeit entspricht. Wenn dem Unternehmer nicht auferlegt werden kann, den Vertrag fortzusetzen, hat der Unternehmer das Recht, den Vertrag mit sofortiger Wirkung zu kündigen. Der Auftragnehmer und/oder die Gruppenmitglieder müssen dann die Wohnung verlassen und das Firmengelände so schnell wie möglich verlassen.

Wenn der Auftragnehmer und/oder die Gruppenmitglieder die Wohnung nicht räumen, ist der Unternehmer berechtigt, die Wohnung auf Kosten des Auftragnehmers zu räumen.

Artikel 10: Inkassokosten
Inkassokosten und außergerichtliche Kosten nach Zahlungsverzug gehen ausschließlich zu Lasten des Auftragnehmers.

Artikel 11: Auflösung
Wenn die gemietete Wohnung ohne Verschulden des Unternehmers zerstört wird oder vorübergehend nicht genutzt werden kann, hat der Unternehmer das Recht, den Vertrag zu kündigen. Der Auftragnehmer kann keine Entschädigung verlangen.

Artikel 12: Datenschutz
Lieferantendaten werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben.
Identifikationspflicht für Auftragnehmer.